One of those considered red flags at the beginning of a relationship, fear of commitment refers to the fear that some people feel at the idea of ??maintaining a long-term relationship. What tends to happen in these cases is that the part of the relationship that has this fear experiences a feeling of overwhelming or pressure when asked to formalize said bond. Generally, the response of these people is flight, that is, it consists of escaping such a situation and breaking off the relationship.

The reasons behind the fear of commitment are varied, however, in general terms it has to do with the idea of ??the loss of independence and individuality. Sometimes, it is due to precedents, past relationships that did not go well. Although it could also be due to certain wounds from the past, specifically from childhood. Be that as it may, there are a series of signs that reveal this fear.

Not all people with a fear of commitment act in the same way, although there is a certain common pattern and a battery of clues that can reveal that a person, whether conscious or not, suffers from a fear of commitment.

Psychologist Montserrat Fernández explains the five steps that must be followed to overcome the fear of commitment. The first of them is to accept that fear, to be aware of it. Secondly, the ideal would be to find the origin, that is, why that sensation occurs, since this will be helpful when it comes to overcoming it. The next thing will be to recognize that it is something that limits people’s lives, since it prevents them from developing deep connections with other people.

While it is true that this comes with responsibilities, there are also many benefits. The key is to identify these positive points to understand that “commitment is worth trying.” And, finally, put aside insecurities and fears related to the future to focus on the present.