Going for a run is a discipline that is gaining more and more followers. It is an excellent alternative to exercise anywhere, at any time and without the need for sports equipment or paying a fee at a gym. Now, regardless of the physical demands themselves and the risk of injury, runners have to pay close attention to their safety as pedestrians.

Because, indeed, runners are also pedestrians, even if they go faster than a person walking. Therefore, they must adopt a series of road safety precautions, with the aim of avoiding accidents. In fact, since they travel at higher speeds, they are less visible to drivers, who have less reaction time when encountering them on the road or in the city.

So, if you are a fan of putting on your sneakers and going for a jog, do not forget that you are a pedestrian and, therefore, you must ensure your safety when it comes to other vehicles. Take note of the following recommendations for a smooth running session.

Joggers in the city are legally considered pedestrians. It is common for them to run along the road to have less impact on their traffic, as well as to avoid having to avoid other pedestrians. But they are required to travel on the sidewalk whenever possible. On roads without sidewalks, they must stay on the left shoulder, always facing the traffic of cars, never facing away from them.

It is important that runners wear reflective clothing or something, especially at times of poor visibility such as at night or on cloudy days. Even during the day, it is advisable to wear brightly colored clothing to be more visible to drivers.

If you’re going out for a run, limit yourself to wearing dark sunglasses when strictly necessary (i.e. on sunny days). Otherwise, they will prevent you from seeing clearly and you could miss an approaching vehicle.

Regarding headphones, it is common to run while listening to music or a podcast, but it is essential that you wear them at a moderate volume, to perceive possible dangers through your ears. You should also stop playing music and remove your headphones when you reach an intersection.

Be especially careful with cars in areas such as intersections, crossings, pedestrian crossings and garage exits. You must see the drivers well and make sure that they have seen you, do not cross until you are sure that they are giving way to you. At pedestrian crossings, you must respect the red traffic lights, no matter how angry it makes you to interrupt your good running pace.