After a few weeks of Christmas celebrations, January emerges with that long look at the year ahead. It is time to take a gastronomic break and to decorate the tables.

Seeking this simplicity, two types of tables are shown, both with white Paniculata, a flower that allows you to achieve a subtle, light and elegant table. The color white helps provide these sensations. Another advantage of this flower is its duration and its economic cost, qualities that are especially appreciated during this month. The only thing you have to pay attention to is that the stems must be cut so that there are no centers that are too high and prevent us from seeing the people in front of us. This detail is always important to take into account.

It is worth highlighting the wine glasses on these tables. They are unique, worked with delicate reliefs that really provide a touch of irresistible style and elegance. They can be found in Tartan

As Murakami has written, the simplest things are the most difficult to see, because they are surely the most authentic. Also on the tables.