In a video shared by the Twitter account @atr_ahre, titled “My first job”, a charming golden retriever is shown carrying out a surprising task: cleaning the floor of his room with a mop. The curious images have captured the attention of users around the world, generating a wave of enthusiastic comments and shared amazement.

The images show the canine moving deftly around the room, moving the mop from side to side with surprising precision. The dog owner seems surprised during this unusual but adorable household task by his furry friend. The video has racked up thousands of views in a short time, turning the golden retriever into a social media sensation.

The comments were immediate, with users expressing everything from admiration to intentions to teach similar tricks to their own dogs. Some touched on the humorous side of the situation, with comments like “Oh, how cute. Mine is shitting all over the yard” and “My dog ??is afraid of the mop.” It seems that the golden retriever’s dexterity has unleashed a wave of inspiration and laughter in the virtual community of animal lovers.

The dog’s ability to perform this specific task has generated a debate about the intelligence and abilities of domestic animals. Animal behavior experts suggest that, while not all dogs can perform such specific activities, positive training and patience are key to fostering surprising abilities in our pets.

The video has not only left @atr_ahre followers delighted, but has also sparked reflection on the unique connection we share with our faithful canine companions. Could this be the beginning of a new trend in teaching house tricks to our four-legged friends? Time will tell, but for now, the adorable golden retriever has shown us that learning and fun can go hand in hand, and who knows, maybe more dogs will join in the task of keeping our homes clean!