A video posted by user @bella_maligator has captured the attention of thousands of people thanks to the funny way in which her dog, Bella, expresses her culinary preferences. Not only does she have exquisite taste, but she also has a very clear and original way of demonstrating it.

The video shows Bella, a dog who has very strong opinions about certain human foods. In the images, the owner presents Bella with different types of food. When she offers her a piece of pumpkin, Bella gently takes it in her mouth, walks to the trash can, opens it with her snout, and discards the pumpkin without hesitation. 

This scene is repeated with other fruits such as pineapple and mango. Followers of @bella_maligator were quick to fill the comments section with their observations and questions. “She was going to throw away the mango, she dropped it on the wall of the trash can, she picks it up again and proceeds to throw it away,” comments one user, highlighting Bella’s determination. 

Others repeat the same theory: “She doesn’t like soft food,” suggesting that textures play a crucial role in Bella’s preferences. The video also reveals that Bella enjoys eating carrots and peppers, reinforcing fans’ theory that this dog has a problem with textures. 

Her delicacy in accepting and then rejecting certain foods has raised a wave of questions about how she was trained to show her tastes so clearly and playfully. Bella’s video has not only entertained thousands of people, but has also highlighted the ability of animals to have preferences and communicate their tastes in surprising ways.