In the last 100 years has worsened the breathing air around the world by emissions from fossil fuels. Particularly sensitive children respond to air pollution, such as the world health organization (WHO) reported in a study. Toxins in the air will increase accordingly, especially the risk of acute infections of the lower respiratory tract.

in 2016, have died according to the WHO, worldwide 600,000 children – more than by diarrhea, malnutrition or infectious diseases. Air pollution can also negatively affect the cognitive development of children’s Asthma and the development of cancer in the age of the child promote the organization.

Every day, 93 percent of all children under 15 years of breathing in the world to a dangerous degree of polluted air. That’s the equivalent of 1.8 billion children, 630 million of them are younger than five years. Especially children in poorer countries are affected: Here, 98 percent are at risk of them due to air pollution health, in richer countries, it is 52 per cent.

of Particular concern is that children can be before the birth due to air pollution for your life to be shaped. Tiny particles of pollutants from the air can reach the placenta of the mother to the infant. That can damage the DNA of the unborn child, the growth and the development of a robust immune system to interfere.

The children can be especially vulnerable to allergies and Asthma. Pregnant women who are exposed to heavy air pollution, have births also more likely to early.

children breathe differently than adults

The WHO to distinguish between pollution of the outdoor air and the indoor air. Under the open sky, such as the combustion of fossil fuels as well as waste gases from industry and traffic pollute the air. In houses, the smoke from the Heat of burnt coal or wood takes the people’s breath away.

children are especially responsive to air pollution because they breathe faster than adults. As a result, they take more air. They are also smaller and therefore closer to the ground. There is increased particularly in towns and cities the concentration of pollutants due to the exhaust fumes from the traffic. to fight

the issues that would need to be reduced, especially the combustion of fossil fuels, says Maria Neira, Director of WHO’s Department for health and the environment. The transport should be developed clean and public transport options. In addition, Doctors need to be about the dangers of air pollution, its security, to be able to your patients correctly treat.