What at first could be a little tummy that there was no reason to worry about because it was adorable and even fun, can easily become an out of control situation. Overweight dogs can suffer many health problems: cardiovascular, respiratory, skin, even the appearance of diabetes and osteoarthritis. Also, getting these canine companions to lose weight is usually not an easy task. Ideally, you’ll want to worry about maintaining your ideal weight, but if not, you’ll have to make some changes in your life.

The fact that a dog is overweight can be due to various reasons. Some of the most common have to do with bad feeding practices, such as feeding it leftovers. As well as inactivity or lack of exercise. But also other factors such as castration. In any of these cases, a series of measures will have to be put into practice to reverse the situation. If the reasons are other or related to some pathology, the veterinarian should be consulted.

Exceeding the portions of feed, giving him prizes excessively, feeding him several times a day without control, letting him eat everything he finds. These are the most common reasons that cause a dog to be overweight. So the first step for you to lose weight will be to change your diet and eating habits.

The feed or type of food that is provided must be specific to its needs, something in which the veterinarian can guide the owners. In addition, it is important to stick to specific amounts. These, in turn, will be linked to the times that it is given its food per day.

Activity is vital for a dog to lose weight, it will need physical exercise. The recommendation for a dog to stay healthy is that he can walk at least thirty minutes a day. And, although he should be encouraged, he cannot be forced, you have to respect his rhythm. In other words, trying to get him to run or go faster, even radically changing his exercise routines and subjecting him to very long walks, will adversely affect his health. It should be done gradually and progressively. You can also practice exercises to lose weight and implement games that motivate you.

Once you have a diet and exercise plan, the key to success will be following it to the letter. In fact, it is advisable to monitor the progress on a weekly basis, taking note of the variations in the scale to verify the effectiveness of the strategy to combat the overweight of the canine companion. With patience and love, it will be achieved.