
2024 Graduation Address by Tennis Legend Roger Federer

Greetings, Class of 2024! Today is a special day, and I am thrilled to be here with all of you. It’s truly an honor to stand before you on this momentous occasion. As someone who rarely steps foot on a college campus, receiving an honorary doctorate degree is an unexpected and delightful surprise. “Dr. Roger” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

I want to express my gratitude to President Beilock, the Board of Trustees, and the faculty for this incredible honor. Stepping out of my comfort zone today, I can’t help but notice how different this environment is from what I’m used to. And let’s not forget about the robe – definitely a change from my usual attire of shorts for the past 35 years!

Reflecting on my own journey, I recall the nerves I felt when I was just 17 years old, barely able to string together a few words during a speech. Fast forward 25 years, and here I am, ready to share more than just a few words with you all. It’s a pleasure to be here, surrounded by the lush greenery of Dartmouth – a setting that feels like destiny, considering my love for grass surfaces in tennis.

Beyond the pong tournaments and campus exploration, my presence here is also a tribute to Tony G., a dear friend and partner, whose daughter Bella is a proud member of the Class of ’24. Witnessing Bella’s excitement upon gaining admission to Dartmouth was a joyous moment, and it’s clear that this institution holds a special place in the hearts of its students.

As someone who didn’t follow the traditional academic path due to my early focus on tennis, I can relate to the uncertainty that comes with transitioning to a new phase in life. The question of “what’s next” looms large for many graduates, including myself. Embracing this uncertainty and exploring new opportunities is part of the journey.

I’ve learned valuable lessons throughout my tennis career that I believe can be applied to life beyond the court. The idea of “effortless” success is a myth – behind every seemingly effortless moment lies hard work and dedication. Belief in oneself must be earned through perseverance and overcoming challenges.

In the face of defeat, I’ve come to understand that it’s just a point – a temporary setback that paves the way for growth and resilience. Losing at Wimbledon in 2008 was a significant moment for me, highlighting the importance of bouncing back stronger after setbacks.

Life extends beyond the confines of a tennis court, offering a vast array of experiences and opportunities. My philanthropic endeavors have allowed me to make a meaningful impact beyond the realm of sports, emphasizing the significance of giving back and contributing to causes that matter.

As you embark on your post-graduation journey, remember that life is a team sport, and the relationships you cultivate will play a crucial role in your success. Cherish the friendships, lessons, and memories you’ve gained during your time at Dartmouth, and carry them with you as you navigate the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

To the Class of 2024, I offer my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the future. Approach the next chapter of your lives with determination, kindness, and a sense of adventure. Embrace the unknown, take risks, and above all, enjoy the journey ahead.

Congratulations once again, and may your futures be filled with success, fulfillment, and joy.