Making a living is very important. It is the primary way for a man to put food on the table. There are many ways to make a living and this includes starting your own business, investing money passively, and holding a job.

A job can be anything that could mean that you are paid for a certain service that you do. The service could be laborious or it could be light but mind numbing. You can be working on a site or a desk while others even work 30 thousand feet high in the sky.

Making money is very important which means that you have to take care of it to ensure that you will be able to survive for a long time. Taking care of your work means that you need to take care of your body and make sure that you are always healthy enough to remain working.

You can do this by eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. You can also avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. Visit this link for tips on taking care of your body:

Another way for you to take care of your job is to make sure that your relationship with your employers is top notch. There are many ways that you can do this but the best way for you to be able to keep a good relationship with your employers is for you to do your job pretty well. If you do it well, there will be no need to even think about letting you go. It can even be a reason for you to get promoted if ever the opportunity comes up.

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However, there are times that are very unpredictable. Things can happen anytime and to anyone and no matter how careful you may be, something bad can still happen. You can get into an accident and you can get hurt. This will result in you not being able to work and provide for your family for a certain time. That is why it is important to always have contingency plans in case things like these happen. You need to think about these things because they can happen to you too.

In Atlanta Georgia, there are laws that protect workers in case something bad happens to them like an accident. In the event that a person becomes incapable to do work because of an accident at work, on the way to work, or going home from work, the law protects workers and helps them survive such incidents better. This is called worker’s compensation laws.

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What you should know about these laws:

The basics

If you met an accident on your way to work, at work, or going home from work then the first thing that you should do after getting help is to inform your immediate supervisor about the incident. This will ensure that you get the right help and that you follow protocol on processing worker’s compensation.

You may lose the benefits of such compensation if you wait more than a month to report your accident. After, reporting the incident to your immediate supervisor, you will need to fill out the form WC-14. When you are done filling this out, you will have to send one to your employer and another to the insurance carrier of your injury compensation.  Click here to learn more about form WC-14.

The form is available in the office of the board of workers’ compensation in Atlanta Georgia. You can also download a copy of this form online.

Workers Compensation Insurance for Employers

Employers should also be very careful about trying to save money with insurance. A business with more than three workers is required to get workers compensation insurance by law. Failure to do so will result in the guilt of misdemeanor. Compensation insurance will protect you in case something bad happens to your employees. Make sure to be prepared for things that are out of your control.

Compensation even when it is your fault

The law in Georgia allows workers to receive full compensation benefits when injured even when it is the worker’s fault. However, if the injury is a result of fighting, using drugs, alcohol or horseplay, then they are not entitled to any compensation benefits. Workers get full compensation even when it is their fault if they get injured because they we’re in a hurry or inattentive to what they we’re doing which caused the accident to happen.

Termination and Compensation Benefits

In Georgia, a worker can get fired for any reason. This is because Georgia is an employment at will state.  This means that your employer can terminate for any reason and even for no reason at all you’re your boss thinks that you are now useless because of your injury; he can definitely fire you right away. Thankfully, even if you get terminated by your boss, you can still claim your full compensation benefit if you are injured.

Can an Injured Worker Choose His Own Physician?

When your employer gets compensation insurance, they are required to include a list of at least six qualified physicians that workers can go to in case they get in a work injury. The worker can choose between the lists of physicians but cannot choose their own outside of the list.

Knowing what you are entitled to and your rights as a worker are very important. It is your source of livelihood and anything that can hinder you from working is a big problem. That is why it is always good to be informed at all times.