Orthodontic care is expensive and not covered by most health insurances because it’s not seen as an essential health benefit. Additionally, many people in America don’t have access to an orthodontist because they live in more remote areas, but still want to have their teeth straightened. Finally, many people don’t prefer traditional teeth-straightening methods because they are not always discreet and require constant dental appointments.

A direct-to-consumer orthodontics online survey showed that concern over their oral health played an important role in the respondents’ decision to purchase at-home clear aligners. Additionally, more than half of them had seen a dentist about aligning their teeth but opted for at-home clear aligners because of cost and convenience. A large majority of the respondents, 87.5%, were very satisfied with the results.

Difference between Invisalign and At-Home Teeth Straightening

Invisalign was the first product on the market that helped to solve the need for discreet teeth straightening. These clear aligners are inconspicuous enough to allow people of all ages to treat malocclusions, and the treatment is faster than traditional braces. However, there are several drawbacks to Invisalign, it is only available at dental offices, and it is expensive.

Several companies have introduced at-home teeth straightening devices based on the same principles as Invisalign. These products offer treatments that are faster and cheaper than Invisalign. More importantly, they don’t require constant visits to a dentist.

It is always a good idea to get teeth assessed by a dentist or orthodontist before, but this is not always necessary since these companies asses the scans and impressions to see if the patient’s teeth can be aligned properly by the clear aligners,

Once the assessment is completed and approved, the companies prepare the clear aligners and send the patient a kit consisting of the 3D printed clear BPA-free plastic for the treatment.

This is a safe and easy way for anyone with mild or moderate teeth misalignments to straighten their teeth at home. The treatments are planned and monitored by licensed dentists or orthodontists.

Best At-Home Teeth Straightening Devices in 2022

Several cases of improperly aligned teeth are treatable with at-home devices. Companies like Byte, Candid, Aligner Co, and Smile Direct Club all offer similar at-home treatments. When compared between them they do vary in price, how the impressions are taken, the type of clear aligners consumers can choose (day or night), and several other factors. However, they are all clearly cheaper and faster in varying degrees than Invisalign. Are you still trying to decide between Invisalign or Byte? Smile Prep has conducted extensive research on at-home clear aligners, choosing the best teeth straightening devices for 2022, and making them easy to compare.

1.      Byte

Besides their clear aligners for teeth straightening, Byte has introduced a high-frequency vibration device that helps to decrease the treatment time to an average of three months. This is included in the price. Consumers also have the choice of using their “at night” aligners requiring only 10 hours of wear a day compared to the minimum of 22 hours required for all daytime aligners. Consumers must make their own impressions because Byte doesn’t offer locations for teeth scanning. Byte offers a satisfaction guarantee that ensures your smile will remain perfect, otherwise they will correct it free of charge.

2.      Candid

Candid only works with orthodontists and is the only company that can straighten more than just the front teeth. Before the treatment starts, the consumer is offered a free scan at one of their studios, and a monitoring system is used via an app to evaluate the progress of each consumer.

3.      Aligner Co

One of the most affordable choices of at-home teeth straightening, Aligner Co doesn’t compromise on its customer support. The treatment time is a little longer than most, but they also offer the solution of the even more discreet10-hour night treatment.

4.      Smile Direct Club

As one of the first companies to offer at-home clear aligners, Smile Direct Club has treated more patients than anyone right now. On average their treatments are slightly more expensive than the other three on this list, but still very affordable. Their network includes 300 shops for dental scans and treatment approval. Patients can also start their treatment at any of the 1,000 dentists in their network.

Final take

Millions of people have already seen results from their at-home teeth straightening treatments.

Whichever teeth-straightening products consumers will opt for in 2022, Byte, Candid, Aligner Co, and Smile Direct Club will continue to be among the ones offering top-rated services, placing them among the best.