The U.S. government has not approved booster shots against the virus, saying it has yet to see evidence they are necessary. Welch, along with an untold number other Americans, have been able to obtain them through the nation’s vaccine surplus. They also loosely track those who have been fully vaccinated.

Welch is a graduate student in Maine studying chemical engineering. She said that she keeps track of scientific studies on COVID-19, and that she follows many epidemiologists and virologists on social media, who advocate for boosters.

Welch, 26, a 26-year old with asthma and liver disease, said that she would follow the experts and protect herself. “They won’t wait six to one year to give me a third dose.

Pfizer said that it will seek approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for booster shots. However, health officials say that the safety of fully vaccinated patients is assured for now.

Despite this, health care providers in the U.S. reported more than 900 cases of people receiving a third dose COVID-19 vaccines. This was according to an Associated Press review. The full extent of those who have received the third dose is not known because it is voluntary. It is also not known if everyone was actively seeking a booster dose.

Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers, stated that “I don’t think anyone really has the tracking” to determine how widespread it is.

One entry in the CDC database shows that a 52-year old man received a third dose of Viagra from a California pharmacy. He claimed he had never been prescribed it and provided his passport as proof. The pharmacy reached out to the patient’s insurer and was informed that he had already received two doses in March.

A 39-year old man in Virginia received a third shot on April 27 from a military provider after he presented a vaccination card that indicated he had only received one dose. His previous vaccinations were found in records. After the patient informed the provider that he had been vaccinated twice before, he said that he was now able to have a third dose.

Colorado Gov. At a recent news conference, Jared Polis stated that he had heard of residents who received a third dose using fake names. However, neither his office nor state health could provide any evidence.

Despite a lack of FDA approval, public health officials in San Francisco said Tuesday that they will provide an extra dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine for people who got the single-shot Johnson & Johnson variety — referring to it as a supplement, rather than a booster.

Numerous studies are looking into booster shots for at-risk populations, including people with weak immune systems, older adults and health care workers. However, the verdict on whether they are needed by the general population is yet to be determined, according to Dr. Michelle Barron. UCHealth is a non-profit health system based in Aurora Colorado. She stated that the best data for possible boosters are those whose immune systems have been compromised.

Israel is now giving boosters to seniors, and many countries including Russia, Germany and the U.K. have granted them to some people. The head of the World Health Organization recently urged wealthier nations to stop administering boosters to ensure vaccine doses are available to other countries where few people have received their first shots.

Will Clart, a patient services worker at a Missouri hospital aged 67, received a third dose of the vaccine in May from a local pharmacy. Clart stated that he provided all his information to the pharmacist, but the pharmacist did not realize that Clart’s name was included in the vaccine system until after Clart received the shot.

It sounded like it had some benefit. There’s been talk that we might eventually need a booster. Mine was only five to six months away so I decided I’d go ahead and get one. Clart agreed.

Ted Rall, a political cartoonist, explained in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that he got a booster because of a history of lung problems, including asthma, swine flu, and repeated bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia.

After reading a report indicating that states would likely to toss 26.2 millions unused vaccine doses due to low demand, I made my decision. Rall stated that my decision did not have any effect on policy and saved one vaccine dose from the trash.

Welch, a graduate student from Maine, blamed those who refused to receive the vaccine because of political reasons. About 60% of Americans are fully vaccinated.

“Their absolute demands and screeches after freedom are trampling both our public and communal health.”