Several million Americans are on dietary supplements today because they believe they can do wonders to their immune system. This popularity for supplements is not new because nutritional supplements were first used in the 1940s and have been popular ever since. However, people show a keen interest in supplements like fish oil, vitamins, probiotics, and more available at reputed online health stores like Simply Nutrients.

Here’s a definitive guide to procure the best supplements for cellular health:

Only if Deficiency is Present

No doctor will advise you to take vitamins and supplements unless you need them badly. We get our nutritional needs from the food we eat, provided we eat wisely. Randomly popping nutritional pills and swallowing supplements does not make sense, as it is not necessary for a regular, healthy person.

Taking supplements just for the sake of doing so or because your neighbor is taking them can cause imbalances that you won’t even be aware of. If you don’t have access to enough fresh fruits and vegetables or fresh grains, you may suffer from deficiencies, and simply nutrients supplements are warranted.

Who Needs Supplements

A regular, healthy person may not need supplements. However, as mentioned above, if you don’t have access to or cannot afford nutritious food, you need supplements to make up for and correct the deficiency. Similarly, older adults and kids deficient in specific vitamins or minerals need to necessarily take supplements for cellular health.

Here are some instances where you need supplements:

Expecting Mothers

Expecting mothers are always hungry and love to keep gorging on food, which is a natural and good thing. As there is an increased demand for micronutrients during pregnancy, an expecting mother needs to consume more probiotics, fish oil, folate, iron, Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc.

Morning sickness is a problem for most pregnant women in the early stages when the very thought of food causes nausea. They can try flavored probiotics that can suppress the nauseous feeling and provide the extra nutrition vital during pregnancy.

Similarly, fish oil is rich in Omega fatty acids, and if your doctor feels you need more, you should try a fish oil supplement for the baby’s brain development, instead of trying to consume fish oil directly as that can also trigger a bout of nausea.

Infants and Children

Infants and children are still in the growing stage and need extra nutrition for their growing cells. If you can’t get the kids to eat their lettuce and spinach (despite watching Popeye), your best bet is to coax them to take multivitamin capsules that are easy to swallow and provide the required nutrition.

Folks who are 50+

Growing old is beset with its problems, which no one can avoid. If you are 50+, now is when you need an extra dose of Vitamin D and B12. As we grow older, we lose the capacity to absorb Vitamin D and B12, among other essentials. Middle age is a crucial stage in our lives, and if we can manage to pass it successfully, we may live up to a ripe old age with fewer medical complications. With food consumption getting reduced as we age, nutritional supplements provide the best answer for our deficiencies.

Get the Right Supplements

If you are not sure you are on the best diet and believe it lacks vitamins or minerals, all you need to do is go for a blood test (recommended by your doctor). People with a lactose allergy or vegans may lack Calcium, Vitamin D, and B12.

There are some telltale symptoms when you lack such essentials:

  • Sudden, unexpected hair loss
  • Pain in the extremities (joint pain)
  • Fatigue
  • Erratic heartbeat
  • Trouble with vision
  • Wounds that don’t heal quickly

Although there are very few Americans who suffer from nutritional deficiencies (they are busy fighting obesity), they still lack some essential nutrients like:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

While calcium deficiency can be set right by consuming the right quantities of dairy products, you can supplement Vitamin D with proper exposure to sunlight. However, we seldom take steps to make up for the deficiency through natural means. In such cases, nutritional supplements like simply nutrients provide the best solution.

The Safety Angle

Unlike with medication, you needn’t worry about side effects while taking nutritional supplements. Research studies indicate that supplements are useful in filling gaps in the diet. Experts believe that no harm can come to you by taking multivitamins daily. Remember, it is never a good idea to overdo anything, which applies to nutritional supplements also. Only take supplementation to make up for the deficiencies, and not if you are healthy with your regular diet.

Summing it Up

Nutritional supplements are particularly beneficial to pregnant women, the elderly, and growing infants and children. Other regular people should consult a doctor before taking such supplements, though they cause no harm.