One last installment of this Wednesday of You are here, the program of the Greater Wyoming and David Trueba in La Sexta, was dedicated to the homeland. In fact, the comedian claimed not to be a patriot because he is “very lazy” and to be a patriot you have to have a vocation for citizen service.

During the tour of some of the experiences that marked the life of Wyoming, there was one that is related precisely to this topic: the military. The presenter, like many others, had to do military service, which left him with funny anecdotes burned into his memory. One of them was the “pornographic” hymn that he came to compose for his company and that had to do with the “parts of the vagina”.

The Wyoming generation, born in 1955, is a generation in which, with some specific exceptions, had to serve in the military. That is, go to military service. In fact, it was mandatory. While, for some colleagues, that was a negative experience, the comedian knew how to get the positive part out of it and live some of the funniest moments.

Among the confessions he made to David Trueba during that look at the past, there is one that made the filmmaker laugh. “I was the one who composed the anthem of my company, in the military,” Wyoming began by saying. It all happened because his nice lieutenant asked for a musician or someone who knew music to compose that hymn and a young Wyoming volunteered there.

After asking for the collaboration of two or three other colleagues, the recruits got down to work and created a “pornographic anthem” from a popular verse that the presenter had taken from some friends from Tudela.

“Keep wiggling my beautiful Irene, keep wiggling, it’s coming to me,” Wyoming sang as part of the chorus. To later dedicate the stanza to “the parts of the vagina”. “With the percussion blade, the recruit hit the grain of fire and Irene told me: ‘I have uterine rage and if it’s true that you love me, instantly apply the mouth chap to me.”

When showing the result to his superiors, they not only liked the hymn, but they found it most didactic and effective. And he had to show it to the rest of the troop. “I was very successful,” he concluded with a laugh.