Íñigo Onieva already has a new business project. This is Casa Salesas, a new and luxurious restaurant that Tamara Falcó’s husband aspires to turn into the new meeting point of the Madrid jet set. Associated with former VOX secretary Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, the Marquis of Griñón surrounded himself with family, friends and well-known faces last Monday for the inauguration of this exciting gastronomic and nightlife project.

A party in style for a venue that promises to be a benchmark in the center of the capital, at least if we let ourselves be carried away by the number of positive reviews that the place already has on the Internet. Every businessman knows that customer opinions are very important for any business, but it is surprising that without having barely worked, practically all the reviews of Casa Salesas have five stars. Coincidence or has there been some kind of strategy?

It seems that Casa Salesas meets the expectations of all its clients to date. You can have any meal, have cocktails… Any plan is welcome. But of course, the fact that before its official opening it is already full of perfect reviews, perhaps it is somewhat suspicious.

It is, because apparently all those who are delighted with the experience are part of Íñigo Onieva’s circle or maintain some type of link with the businessman. For example, you can see how her mother, Carolina Molas, is one of the first to review her son’s business with five stars.

“A super cozy place with delicious food and very attentive service, all at a very good price too. I love that you can go for breakfast or coffee, or for a work lunch or for fun and dinner with music. You have a choice,” writes the businesswoman, who adds that the “most beautiful” thing is “the participation of the neighborhood businesses in many of the restaurant’s items, such as the waiters’ uniforms, the bathroom soaps, etc.”

Another name that stands out is Enrique Eguiraun, a friend of Onieva, who also scores five stars at Tamara Falcó’s husband’s restaurant. The businessman highlights the experience, which he describes as “spectacular”, in addition to recommending “the omelette, the truffled risotto and the meats”, in addition to the cocktails, “highly recommended”.

However, the review that stands out the most is, without a doubt, that of Íñigo Onieva himself, who gives himself five stars on Google. An important strategy, since his comment as a real Internet user contributes to increasing the presence of the business on the networks. Now, discovering that these reviews are from people you know could affect the trust and credibility of the business.

Proof of this, perhaps, could be that the restaurant already has its first negative review. One user has given Casa Salesas a single star, with a description: “Disastrous.” It remains to be seen if Casa Salesas manages to convince ordinary Madrid residents, beyond the circle of trust of the Marquises of Griñón.