On April 26, Netflix premiered the fiction The Asunta Case, a six-episode miniseries starring Candela Peña and Tristán Ulloa, and which narrates the high-profile crime of Asunta Basterra Porto. The 12-year-old girl was murdered by her own parents, Alfonso Basterra and Rosario Porto, on September 21, 2013 in the Galician municipality of Teo.

Following its premiere on the streaming platform, the event has once again made all kinds of headlines. Furthermore, numerous media outlets have tried to shed some light on the various unknowns surrounding the crime that shocked an entire country more than ten years ago.

On Tuesday afternoon, the program presented by Sonsoles Ónega, And Now Sonsoles, exclusively revealed that Asunta’s mother found love in prison. ”She found at least the illusion during the last three months of the three long years she spent in A Lama prison, a very large prison in which more than 1,200 prisoners are serving their sentences,” explained reporter Arancha Pérez Ponce.

”She was with him in the central area of ​​the prison, in the library and remember that all her classmates, especially her friend, told us about a depressed, bipolar person who was emotionally dependent on men,” the journalist stated.

As María, Rosario Porto’s trusted prisoner, revealed on Antena 3, the lawyer noticed a man of Spanish nationality. ”He was very nice, I laughed a lot with him because I knew him too and many times when I passed by the infirmary windows I would greet him and when he saw me he would say ‘hey, call Charo and he’ll be there.’ I came out to greet her.” And I told her, ”Charo, come, your sweetheart is passing by,” she pointed out.

As Rosario Porto’s former cellmate explained, this mysterious man was “thin, tall and very petite.” ”For her he was very tall because I always told him ‘you look like a dot and an i’,’ she said. Furthermore, María confessed that Asunta’s mother had the typical illusion of her beginnings. ”She was laughing, with little letters, little notes because she was like that, very in love,” she assured.