For a few months now, various rumors have been circulating on the Internet indicating that the actress María Hervás is dating the former contestant of Operación Triunfo and former representative of Spain in Eurovision Alfred García.

According to the Mamarazzis podcast at the beginning of February, various media and witnesses had witnessed how the duo of artists walked affectionately through the streets of Madrid, something that did not go unnoticed by the fans of both, who sowed controversy on social networks.

Supposedly, the strange couple met on November 13 when they attended a concert by Los niños Jesús, the music band of the journalist Jordi Évole, at the Sala Apolo in Barcelona.

Shortly after, the actress met Amaia Romero’s ex again at the Sopa de Cabra concert, where he was a guest. Little by little, and also thanks to the fact that they have many friends in common, Hervás and García became closer and even made plans on their own: they went to see the play Yerma, by Federico García Lorca at the Teatre Lliure.

Despite the rumors and the numerous meetings between them, the actress from El Pueblo and La que se avecina denied that they were together at the Talía Awards: “I laugh, above all, and fundamentally, because it is very funny. It is the first time that happens to me, of course, and in addition to one thing that is not true”.

Faced with the actress’s refusal to have a relationship with the singer of From Earth to Mars and London, the ABC medium maintains that they do have a sentimental relationship. According to this outlet, the couple was seen on May 6 at a rooftop in Madrid, Doñaluz, in a “very affectionate” attitude. Some witnesses assured that they were very close: “They looked very complicit and at no time did they hide. They looked like a wedding couple.”

Alfred García has not yet wanted to comment on the matter, but everything indicates that both share the opinion of talking as little as possible about their private life and focusing on the different professional projects they have in hand.

It is still unknown if Hervás answered at the Talía Awards that he was not with García because they are very good friends or because at that time they had nothing serious, but what is undeniable is that they share a relationship that goes beyond a simple friendship.