Omar Montes is one of the most popular artists in our country. The man from Madrid, who has almost 2 million followers on social networks and almost 10 million listeners on Spotify, released one of his most successful songs in early April, La Sevillana. A theme that became quite popular thanks to the April Fair in Seville, where it did not stop playing during the eight days that the big week in the Andalusian capital lasted.

However, the song, which has more than 13 million views on different music platforms, hides a secret. As explained in the Antena 3 program presented by Sonsoles Ónega, Y Ahora Sonsoles, Pan Bendito’s new single had a great resemblance to the song A la Puerta de Toledo,  performed by Chiquetete and composed by Manuel Pareja-Obregón.

As explained by collaborator Beatriz Cortázar in the Antena 3 space, Joaquín Pareja-Obregón, son of the composer of the Chiquetete theme, had been the person in charge of putting this alleged plagiarism in the hands of professionals. And it is after Omar Montes’ song has been present in all the booths at the April Fair, the composer’s son began to receive messages comparing both Sevillians.

”Joaquín at first had no idea, he was not a follower of Omar Montes, but when he starts to analyze it he realizes that there are too many coincidences. What he has done is something logical, he has sent this to the SGAE so that they can do a study of the two songs to see if a lawsuit for plagiarism should be filed or not. That is being studied,” the journalist stated.

Furthermore, the Antena 3 program exclusively broadcast Joaquín Pareja-Obregón’s first statements about this alleged plagiarism. ”I don’t listen to much of anyone’s music because I decide to listen to my own and produce my own and compose my own things. But everyone tells me that it is the same as ‘At the Gate of Toledo’. I have listened to it and indeed (…) We are studying to what extent these two songs coincide,’ he assured.

”It makes me even ashamed, everyone telling me that if that song is by my father, that if it is the same, that it is based on ‘A la Puerta de Toledo’. They haven’t asked us for permission, nowadays people do whatever they want,’ he said.