Violeta Mangriñán, known for her participation in ‘Women and Men and Vice Versa’ and ‘Survivientes 2019’, and her partner, Fabio Colloricchio, have decided to reject the offer to participate in the next edition of ‘Survivientes All Stars’. The influencer has explained through Instagram stories the reasons behind this difficult decision.

“You know that ‘Survivors’ is my favorite reality show in history, I have watched it since I can remember. I know that I have a pending account with ‘Survivors’ and I would like to return in the future, but now is not the time because I have a 3 and a half month old baby and I am about to open my own business in June,” Violeta shared. The start date of the contest coincides with the opening of her new business, Maison, a store specializing in matcha tea.

Fabio’s situation is similar, with multiple work commitments that prevent his participation. “Fabio has many festival dates agreed upon and it was not feasible,” added the influencer. Although they both feel a strong emotional connection to the program, current responsibilities take precedence.

Violeta emphasized her gratitude towards ‘Survivors’, the program that not only gave her fame but also allowed her to meet Fabio, with whom she now has two daughters. “I would never deny the reality world. I will be especially grateful to ‘Survivors’ because I became known and also met the father of my daughters. Always grateful.”

Despite the refusal, Violeta does not rule out future participation: “If the opportunity presents itself to me again in the future, I will take advantage of it and say yes, without a doubt.” The influencer leaves the door open to return to reality in better circumstances.

Meanwhile, the new edition of ‘Survivors All Stars’ will continue with other former contestants. Telecinco has already confirmed the participation of Sofía Suescun, among others, and promises a season full of emotions and challenges to celebrate her 20 years on the network.