The usual tranquility of Survivors was shaken by an incident with Aurah Ruiz at the last gala. The Canarian contestant suffered a spectacular fall from a wooden stump during a test that was aggravated by having nailed another wooden post. The canary did not stop crying and screaming during the distressing moments in which she was lying on the ground without moving.

Fortunately, Jorge Javier Vázquez assured that Aurah, despite the pain of the blow, was fine and had not broken anything. Despite this reassuring update, she had to be hospitalized for observation and, since then, it is not known what will happen to her: she can return to the competition or head to Spain if she is not in a position to continue in the adventure.

The incident made clear the speed and efficiency of the program’s medical team. The images shown later have revealed how professionals assisted Aurah with great care, transferring her on a stretcher to the hospital to assess her condition. This measure was essential to ensure that the contestant’s health was not at risk more than necessary.

During this scene, in which Aurah is heard complaining of pain, Laura Madrueño can be seen staying next to the contestant at all times. The presenter, with obvious sweetness, remained by her side, giving Aurah comfort and support while the medical team carried out her work.

In this sense, the presenter approached the painful contestant, caressed her face and whispered words of encouragement, which helped calm Aurah in a moment of total uncertainty. She even gives him a kiss to show him that she is not going to leave his side.