Good news for Aurah Ruiz. The Canarian contestant will not have to return to Spain after her accident in one of the Survivors 2024 tests, in which she suffered a stump in the rib area. Finally, everything has ended in a scare and she will soon return to coexistence.

Sandra Barneda has revealed in the first stages of Conexión Honduras the most immediate future of the Canarian, which depended solely on the medical report made after exploring the painful area: “After verifying that the contusion does not present any bone or visceral repercussions, the contestant can return to the beach”.

Although the influencer will continue in the contest, Barneda has outlined the nuances included in the medical report: “She will continue with the treatment until her improvement is consolidated. “He will not carry out the tests until it is advisable.”

After receiving the news, Aurah expressed her great happiness at being able to continue in the reality show. “I’m happy to do the tests and improve. I am willing to reach the final and finish what I started. I hope to be perfectly fine in a week,” she explained. However, she has commented that she is “afraid” to take the tests.

Just before hearing the news of her stay on Survivors, the contestant had already made it clear that a fall, no matter how much pain it had caused her, was not going to be enough for her: “I don’t want to because I have come this far and I want to be there until the end.” final. In the tests I split myself in half to give it my all. “It’s where I try the most.”