The second gala of Survivors 2023 could not have started worse: two attempts to leave, a very close location test, tension in the Palapa due to the nominations and a first expulsion with a message for the contestants.

Jorge Javier Vázquez already commented on it at one point with that “we are having a great night”. And it is that, Patricia Donoso said goodbye definitively to her adventure in Honduras, and Javier Nava became the first expelled. The athlete thus became the banished from the edition. Of course, before leaving he had a good hook up with Adara Molinero.

The night began with a new location test, in which the three groups of Survivors 2023 -Royals, Fatales and No Man’s Land- had to fight to win the game and be able to acquire the privilege of choosing which area of ​​the beach to spend the night in. next week. Also, they could have the power to decide where the other two groups would do it.

The victory was taken by the Royales, who decided to continue for another week at Playa Royale, which caused some tension within the group itself. According to Diego and Jaime, for example, they would have preferred to be immune. Likewise, Royales decided the rest of the locations and granted No Man’s Land and its immunity to Fatales.

Then came the first expulsion from the contest: Jaime Nava became the banished from the edition, and, therefore, would spend the following week at Playa de los olvidados in appalling conditions. “This is a very big bitch,” acknowledged the athlete.

However, before leaving the Palapa there was a tense scuffle between Jaime and Adara Molinero, with whom he had already had more than one disagreement while living together. The contestant wanted to “make one thing very clear.” In his opinion, there were colleagues with whom he could not fully connect.

“You can’t think what you think of how I am, because I’m not like that,” he began by saying. “You think I’m cool, arrogant, but I swear it’s not like that,” she assured. Then Jorge Javier asked him to reveal who he was referring to, and Jaime pointed to Gema Aldón and Adara Molinero.

“No one has ever used those words,” replied the GH VIP winner. To which Jaime insisted: “But there have been frictions.” “I can defend myself, right?” Adara jumped. “Today, for example, I have solved it with Gema, but I don’t want to leave here and you think that I am that way that I am not,” Jaime assured.

Before Patricia Donoso’s final goodbye, Katerina wanted to inform Jorge Javier Vázquez of her intention to leave: “I have decided to go home. I don’t feel well physically, I have been bitten by mosquitoes, fleas… and yesterday I felt very bad. Mentally I don’t feel well either. I knew what Survivors was and I feel proud for having come, I don’t regret having tried it but each person has their limits”.

However, the young woman decided to stay after connecting with her father and after hearing the presenter’s words: “It makes me angry that a woman like you throws in the towel, because as soon as you get on the plane you’re going to regret it.” “I’m going to give myself a week,” Katerina decided.

The one who couldn’t take it any longer in Honduras was Patricia Donoso, who was “in body, but not in soul” in the Palapa with her companions. “We have to stop it today. This is not my environment, I will never adapt, I don’t feel good, and I am undermining my classmates”, explained the contestant.

“I can’t go on like this because it’s also a psychology contest and they don’t have to be helping me. I know the consequences and what perhaps hurts me the most is that they separate you and me on television, but if it’s the price I pay. Up to that point I am ”, she concluded, giving up her participation in the reality show. To try to cheer her up, Jorge Javier threw on black humor and released more than one pearl on the Robinson’s physique.

“For me used to seeing you so impeccably made up, dressed and combed on the sets, I see you there and every time they give you a shot you come out so horrible that it gives me life,” snapped the Catalan making Patricia laugh.

“Between the Frida Khalo eyebrows and the Cantinflas mustache, it’s a good mix,” he joked. “Don’t deprive me of seeing the bearded woman every Thursday,” she asked him. Despite the laughter, the contestant remained firm in her decision. “I have done a lot of things for you. For now. I have waited until Thursday for you to be there, ”she told the journalist.

Finally, Jorge Javier sang the following farewell: “This is going to bring consequences and we will spend a long time without a relationship, which hurts me, but if that’s what you decide, you have to leave the Palapa.” And Patricia Donoso collected her things and thus put an end to her participation in Survivors 2023 after a week of contest.

Once the trance of Donoso’s departure had passed, the program made new nominations and they remained that way. Gema Aldón, Diego James Lover, Artùr Dainese and Sergio Garrido become the nominees of the week.