The new motherhood of Ana García Obregón continues to be on everyone’s lips. The actress surprised by announcing that she became a mother for the second time on March 20, although the reality is that she is a biological grandmother who acts as legal guardian of the newborn Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón.

In an exclusive for the review Hello! the actress introduced her granddaughter. Within the header, Ana Obregón offered details of this new chapter in her life. ”No one is going to make me bitter about the happiness of having brought my Aless’s daughter into the world. No one is going to achieve that, because whoever tries it is cruel and has no heart, period,” she confessed after noting that this was the last will of her son Aless hers. ”I promised you that I would bring your daughter into the world and here I have her in my arms,” she said. In the interview, in addition, the birth is discussed, and there are details that the actress does not know.

Asked if the birth was natural, scheduled or by caesarean section, Obregón indicated that she had no idea. “I only know that they called me and I went there,” he said. “I was in a cloud. How many emotions for a human being! ”, He added.

“Now I have exchanged tears for the watch. Every three hours the drink, at night too. I have a concern that I’m dying and, of course, I no longer have time to cry, nor do I want to. It is that you no longer have to cry ”, she concluded.

“This girl is not my daughter, but my granddaughter,” she revealed in that interview in Hello. “She is Aless’s daughter and when she grows up I will tell her that her father was a hero, so she knows who she is and how proud she should be I made the decision to start the surrogacy process, which implies, as you know, the participation of an egg donor and a surrogate mother, the day my child went to heaven,” he said.

“What people don’t know is that this was Aless’s last will: to bring his son into the world. And so he communicated it orally to his father and me a week before he died. This is called a ‘holographic will’ ‘ and it occurs when a person, before two witnesses, expresses his last wishes, even though, due to whatever circumstances, the notary cannot be present at that moment”, added the actress in the interview. In addition, according to herself, this document “exists and is legal”.

The pregnancy by surrogacy occurred in June 2022, “the same month that Aless would have turned 30,” the magazine explained when it revealed last week the birth of the girl who left the hospital in the arms of Ana Obregón.