Ana Rosa Quintana has once again been clear with another of the current issues. During the broadcast of El Programa de Ana Rosa on the morning of Monday, April 10 and after the end of Holy Week, the Telecinco morning show addressed one of the most controversial issues of the day.

The humorous program Està passant on Catalan television, TV3, broadcast a sketch during the festivities in which they parodied the Virgen del Rocío. A video that has generated a lot of controversy and has caused a great barrage of criticism, from the population and also from political leaders, especially in Andalusia.

The subject has been addressed during the morning of Telecinco and the presenter wanted to show her opinion. “This is not fucking funny, because it is xenophobic, with Andalusia it is xenophobic, it is discriminatory and also goes against the deep beliefs of the people because surely they do not do this with Allah. They do not do this with Allah because they do not have eggs ” declared Quintana.

Some of the program’s collaborators also expressed their opinion. Eduardo Inda for his part was in complete agreement with the presenter’s words. ”I hope that next week they do it with the Virgin of Montserrat,” added the presenter. Other of the collaborators explained that they had done the same sketch and with the same actress about the Virgin of Montserrat. But even so, Ana Rosa Quintana continued to show her rejection. “It doesn’t even make me fucking funny,” the presenter forcefully declared.

The comedy sketch of the Catalan program has provoked all kinds of criticism from Andalusia. The same president of the Board, Juanma Moreno, wanted to express his authentic rejection of him, classifying it as ‘a lack of respect’. He also expressly asked the program to apologize for the video, but at the moment the space has no intention of apologizing.

The Huelva City Council has also wanted to give its opinion and has shown its rejection of parody. The Federation of Andalusian Cultural Entities in Catalonia (FECAC) has also demanded that the public channel apologize publicly.