The exclusive images of Ana Obregón walking her daughter in a cart through Miami have once again put at the center of the Friday Deluxe debate how the biologist is managing the maternity process through surrogacy, with Jorge Javier Vázquez attacking the actress again and criticizing that the newborn “is displayed for commercial purposes.”

Jorge Javier recalled that “the girl is not a painting, she is a human being”, in addition to regretting that Ana Obregón resorted to the gossip to publicize the birth of the little girl: “I think it is very nice that she donates everything to a foundation , but let’s not justify the fact of taking the girl out either ”, he pointed out.

“If Ana Obregón has so much money, she should not make exclusives and put it from her money,” reflected the presenter of Viernes Deluxe, who also appealed to the collaborators who have defended Ana Obregón: “That we not be head off.”

However, Jorge Javier has remarked that “it is undeniable that they are beautiful images”, but he has criticized how Ana Obregón has acted: “I will not tolerate that she makes the public believe that all those who support her are good people and those who no, we belong to the world of the devil and hell.”

Kiko Matamoros has also been critical of Ana Obregón: “For me the problem is not in the pregnancy but in how she has managed this whole matter,” she commented, although the biologist has had staunch defenders such as Teria Yabar -Obregón’s friend-, who assures that she sees “Ana happy, she is the one who takes care of the girl and the caretaker is only an assistant.”

Antonio Montero has also highlighted that Ana Obregón’s way of acting can be explained by the focus of the media on her: “It gives me the feeling that some of the critical comments with the arrival of her granddaughter are affecting her” and that ” try to overcome everything that has been said”.

However, María Patiño has regretted that Ana Obregón and her newborn daughter have been recorded, recalling that “the privacy of the minor” must be respected, although she believes that Ana “dies of love” seeing how the collaborators react to the images.

The images that have changed Telecinco’s programming due to their importance have caused an earthquake on the set of Viernes Deluxe, since in them you can see Ana Obregón driving her daughter in a cart -conceived with her son’s sperm deceased through a surrogate – on the streets of Miami.

Wearing a pink summer dress, a matching stroller and sunglasses, Ana Obregón walks chatting with her nanny in a relaxed way, as can be seen in the recording made by an acquaintance of Antonio Montero on the 13th of April in the American city.