Enrique Rojas, a doctor and psychiatrist from Granada, director of the Spanish Institute of Psychiatric Research, has shared the six things we usually regret most in life.

Firstly, Rojas points out work as one of the main reasons: “Having worked too much, having dedicated excessive time to professional activity” reveals the psychiatrist.

Roja also highlights having given too much importance to things that really don’t have it: “They weren’t worth it,” he points out. Thirdly, the doctor highlights her not having known how to enjoy life.

“Life is an art between love, work, culture, friendships, hobbies…” reveals the man from Granada, making it clear that to be happy you have to have a certain balance.

As for the fourth reason, Rojas points out: “Not having known how to be oneself, but having done what others wanted us to do. Not having the ability, the art, the craft to do one’s own thing.”

Finally, the fifth reason focuses on not having had answers to the big questions in life, as well as the lack of spirituality; while the sixth reason focuses on the family: “People don’t have time for the family, here comes the figure of the absent father. Having time for the family is a fundamental part of human life.”