One of the television surprises of 2023 was God’s Drops: a wine drama with touches of a psychological thriller, a family soap opera, and a romantic comedy. At the end of the eight episodes, the viewer may have thought that it was a miniseries. It won’t be like that. A second season has just been announced with the Japanese Tomohisa Yamashita as Issei Tomine and Fleur Greffier as Camille Léger.

The first season, created by Quoc Dang Tran and based on the manga of the same name, focused on the particular competition in which Issei and Camille had to compete. Alexandre Léger, the greatest wine expert in the world, had stipulated in his will that his million-dollar wine collection would go to whoever won the three tests that he had designed. The only two competitors? Camille, the daughter he had no contact with, and Issei, his best student.

The first season, which had a budget of 30 million and was filmed in French, Japanese and English, won the favor of critics both for its original starting point and for its way of recreating the wine world: one could believe that It was a fantasy but, with the help of director Oded Ruskin, ways were found to transmit the smells and flavors to the public.

Furthermore, with a slow initial pace, it turned a classroom competition into something tense, personal, with rhythm, which allowed a family drama and the figure of the absent father to be progressively unraveled. According to Dang Tran in a conversation with Deadline, audiences became interested in The Drops of God because of the wine but stayed “for the characters,” so it shouldn’t be surprising that he wants to revisit them.

In the second season, Camille and Issei will once again face a test: discover the origin of a mysterious and very good wine, considered the best on the planet, a secret that not even the late Alexandre was able to discover.