Carmen Machi is one of the most popular actresses in our country. The Madrid artist has participated in great projects that have elevated her as one of the faces best known to the audience.

Machi has worked in important national series such as Aída, Arde Madrid, Vida Perfecta, Las de la Última Fila or 7 Vidas, as well as in films such as Cerdita, La tribu, Ocho surnames vascos or Hable con ella.

Paco León’s friend is one of the most prominent actresses in the territory, but she has also managed to be a ‘stranger’, since she has never spoken openly about her love relationships, family, etc.

Thanks to the social networks of people close to her (she doesn’t have one) we can see which professional colleagues she gets along best with and what her social circle is. However, the artist prefers not to divert attention from her artistic side and not enter personal territory.

Although she has spoken on more than one occasion about her parents and the beautiful relationship that unites them, she has never publicly shared information about her partner Vicente, a man with whom she is madly in love and with whom she has been sharing her life for more than two decades.

The musician is not a big fan of big events and media exposure, so it is really strange to see him in a photocall with the actress. Yes, he did it at the Goya gala in which the Madrid native won the award for best supporting female performance for the comedy film Eight Basque Surnames.

Now that he is 60 years old, Machi lives quietly in the capital of Spain with his partner and dedicates himself body and soul to his profession, since it is what moves him and is passionate about him. In the free ‘little moments’ that she has, she takes the opportunity to make plans with the musician, to enjoy with friends or to travel to Zahara de los Atunes, an Andalusian city for which she feels special devotion.

For decades, many have wondered why the Madrid actress is not married or has children if she has exemplary family stability. And, despite the great pressure that women have to meet this type of social expectations, Machi decided years ago to rule out that possibility because she was afraid of ”having children” and strengthening her relationship with a wedding.