A good facial cleanser, the product with the acid that best goes to the skin in question and a good moisturizer. Currently, this is the most basic and essential facial care routine that is applied during the night. It can be the very popular hyaluronic acid or azelaic acid, which is gaining more and more followers. There is an interesting variety of types, the important thing is to opt for the one that best suits the conditions and needs of each face.

Before opting for one of the many options that can be found in the cosmetic market, it will be essential to differentiate which of the different acids is appropriate for the skin. In addition to being very clear how it should be applied. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with a specialized professional to have adequate guidance.

Before starting in the world of products made with acid in cosmetics, two aspects must be clear. The first of them has to do with the moment of its application. It is best to add them to the facial care routine at night, before going to bed, the main reason being that many of them require special care when exposed to the sun. So you will have to use sunscreen the next morning without fail.

The second thing to keep in mind is that each one of them presents certain particularities. So you have to be careful with which other products you combine during the same session. As well as the weekly frequency with which these should be applied.