More and more people are daring to appear on the most popular dating show on television, First Dates. Carlos Sobera and Laura Boado welcome every night a group of singles ready to meet the person of their dreams. All of them go to Cuatro’s space without knowing who they are going to have dinner with. 

However, some of them sometimes get an unexpected surprise when they discover that their date is an old acquaintance. Something that Rafaela, a 60-year-old single woman from Córdoba who had a great resemblance to Rosario Flores, experienced firsthand. Despite being single since 2008, the woman from Córdoba did not want a stable partner. ”I’m intrigued by tonight, I don’t know what I’m going to find. There are the widowed, divorced and hanged. And I don’t fit in with any of those three,’ she declared. 

I wanted to meet an interesting person, but without developing any emotional stability. His date was Jesús, a 58-year-old single from Malaga who was surprised when he realized that he already knew Rafaela. ”We know each other from Córdoba,” she commented. ”I couldn’t locate her because I’ve known her for many years,” said the bachelor. 

Moments later, the presenter accompanied the couple to their table, where they began the evening talking about their reunion. The two were sure they knew each other, but couldn’t figure out exactly what. The mystery was resolved when Rafaela said that she worked in a consultancy. ”He works with my ex-wife,” the bachelor revealed. ”I keep seeing her, I don’t know how you are, but she is very well,” she assured. 

Although they had been happy to meet again, Jesús was clear that “he couldn’t go out with anyone from his ex-wife’s entourage.” ”For me it’s a red flag,” he said. At one point during the evening, Rafaela said that one of her great hobbies was dancing. A habit that she also shared with Jesus. ”I don’t dance because I’m happy, but I’m happy because I dance,” he declared. 

After an evening of many laughs, coincidences and confidences, Rafaela and Jesús opened up about love. The bachelor considered himself a great lover of love itself and assured that he had not yet forgotten his ex-wife. ”There are many exes who leave so much of a mark that they are never forgotten,” she said. ”In this life I would not have contact with her again, but I know that in another life I will meet her with the lesson learned from her to have a full life with her,” he said. 

Therefore, in the final decision there were no doubts about their choice and both confessed that it was best to remain friends. Of course, before leaving the restaurant, the singles took advantage of the opportunity to arrange a meeting in Malaga and enjoy a date with friends.