Two months later, the controversial scene of the Virgen del Rocío in the TV3 program Està Passant continues to raise eyebrows due to the legal case that has been initiated against the comedians as a result of the parody. Court 5 of Sant Feliu de Llobregat decided to cite the three participants in the sketch as defendants: Judit Martín, Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez, and they should go to testify on October 27 as investigated.

The protagonists of the controversy have spoken through social networks. The presenter Toni Soler has responded in an ironic tone with a “Holy Virgin!” on his Twitter profile. The journalist Jair Domínguez confirmed that “they will have to take me in a patrol car because I am not going to spend gasoline to go to declare.” Lastly, Judit Martín has not written any tweets, but he has retweeted an image of a protester holding a sign that reads “I don’t believe I still have to protest this shit.”

TV3’s satire provoked various reactions against it, such as that of the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, or that of the Federation of Andalusian Cultural Entities in Catalonia (FECAC), who demanded “public apologies” from Catalan public television, but it has been those of the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers who have prosecuted the matter.

For them, the scene was “an attack against religious feelings carried out completely free of charge”, and, furthermore, at “a very important time for Catholics such as Holy Week”.

In order to justify themselves, they have resorted to article 525.1 of the Penal Code, which establishes that “those who, to offend the feelings of members of a religious denomination, make publicly orally, by writing or through any type of document, ridicule their dogmas, beliefs, rites or ceremonies, or vex, also publicly, those who profess or practice them”.