The controversy over the satirical gag of the Virgen del Rocío, broadcast on the TV3 program Està passant, continues to arouse all kinds of reactions. Since the Andalusian president Juanma Moreno accused the regional television space of offending its community, the matter has occupied minutes of other programs, such as Ana Rosa Quintana’s.

Faced with the barrage of criticism, the authors of the satire have decided to break their silence and speak publicly about it, demanding a correction to those media that accuse them of attacking Andalusia and one of its traditions. Added to this are now the statements by the co-host of Està passant, Jair Domínguez, who has claimed to receive “death threats”.

In words for the radio program El matí de Catalunya Ràdio, Domínguez has assured that he is dealing with all the commotion “calmly” and attributes its great repercussion to the “electoral period” in which “nerves are on the surface”. In addition, he has addressed the association that has decided to file a complaint for the gag.

“I am a bit skeptical and I think that society has advanced enough to make religious jokes without offending people,” says Jair Domínguez, “if there is an association called Christian Lawyers, it is clear that they can take it wherever they want and use it as an electoral weapon”, as he later insisted.

The journalist affirms that he has not “heard” Ana Rosa’s statements regarding her sketch, but he has also had words for her. “She is a woman who has been parked badly since 1998, and what she uses as an excuse to defend the Christian religion is to attack Islam,” he said.

“I could show you the Twitter or Instagram mailbox, full of death threats,” continued Domínguez, but he refuses to legally denounce them. “I’m lazy and because if you’re Andalusian, you turn on the television and see Ana Rosa saying that this isn’t fucking funny, you get very outraged” she concluded.