After playing your online casino games or browsing some of the best real money online pokies you might want to sip some tea to some of the biggest Hollywood scandals ever. Being in the spotlight will leave you in some many vulnerable positions. Therefore, you will always need to be careful about every single move you make. There is always someone who will be waiting for you to make that slip. These music artists learnt it the hard way.

R Kelly

There are a lot of scandals concerning R Kelly’s sexual life. It all blew up recently when the majority of the girls came out to say they had been abused by the artist. The total charges that were made against the artiste include; child pornography, forced labour and kidnapping. A documentary, Surviving R Kelly ended up being released to give a more detailed account of everything.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was known for always wanting to be around the little ones. Which explains why he ended up creating a fantasy land for his little friends. But, it wasn’t lion g after that that accusations of child sexual abuse were made against the late singer. Back in 1993, a 13-year old Jordan Chandler came forward and told his parents that he had been abused. Although the issue was later water under the bridge, the world never forgot, Jackson’s life was forever ruined. However, we hope iGaming software providers would create machine a sous en ligne or casino games based on the King of Pop.

Chris Brown

Chris Brown and Rihanna were everyone’s favourite couple. They definitely had the potential to be the next Beyoncé and Jay Z. But, Brown attacked Rihanna and she was left with bruises all over her face. Brown’s reputation was totally ruined afterwards and he had to do a lot of apologising to Rihanna. Even though the love was still there, they had to go their separate ways after that.

The Lana Clarkson Murder

Phil Spector was charged with the murder of Lana Clarkson back in 2003. Spector had alleged that it was a suicide but there were a lot of witnesses to the crime. This was after Lana had allegedly rebuffed him romantically.