After the exclusive wedding of Kiko Matamoros and Marta López, information continues to emerge that reveals that the event was not as perfect as believed.

Amor Romeira has shared live details on the Fiesta program that reveal certain uncomfortable situations during the celebration. According to her collaborator, the managers of the Ritz Hotel, the wedding venue, have contacted her to express her outrage at the behavior of some guests.

“They broke the rules, some guests smoked openly in the lounge. In addition, the Ritz has valuable historical carpets and they were worried,” Amor explains to the program.

Amor has also revealed that the hotel had to restrict access to certain guests to control their inappropriate behavior in different areas of the Ritz.

The collaborator mentions one of the names that are part of this “black list”: “One of those who misbehaved at the wedding was Anuar Beno.” In addition, Amor has revealed that some guests took objects that they should not.

“Not only perfumes were stolen, but they also took the centerpieces. They took the flowers that adorned the tables in their containers,” explains the collaborator about the robberies that took place at the hotel.