Weddings are one of the most symbolic celebrations of human life, a transition ritual that marks the beginning of a new stage for the couple. These events are also a breeding ground for councils. Friends and family, steeped in the spirit of the occasion, often offer words of wisdom and recommendations, some based on experience, others on good wishes.

However, not all advice has the same weight or relevance, and when it comes from people who are in some way a reference, it tends to have a greater impact. This is the case of Tamara Falcó, who has shared her particular vision of what really matters when it comes to saying “yes, I do”.

The businesswoman, who recently went down the aisle with Íñigo Onieva, attended the wedding of her close friend Luisa Bergel. Upon arrival at the event, Tamara, resplendent and dressed in a floral design from her new TFP by Tamara collection for Pedro del Hierro, shared some simple advice for the bride: “Enjoy, enjoy, this is beautiful.”

This phrase, simple in appearance, encapsulates a vital philosophy that is often overlooked in today’s hectic modern life and social demands. Amid the meticulous planning, nerves, and expectations that often surround events such as weddings, the Marquesa de Griñón’s advice is a reminder to live in the moment, even with the glitches and mistakes that may occur throughout the ceremony. like in marriage.

On the other hand, the media also took advantage of Falcó’s rapid entrance to ask him about his long honeymoon, which has taken the marriage to very exotic places. “It has been the summer of my life,” she commented, emphasizing the happiness that marrying Onieva has brought her after overcoming a long list of problems.