The imminent cancellation of ‘Sálvame’ has caused its regular collaborators to show their affection for the Telecinco program, Terelu Campos being one of them. The television presenter has opened up in her latest blog for Lecturas magazine, in which she claims to have fallen in love with her twice during the program’s broadcast and to have met two of the most important men in the life of her on set. she.

“Now that there are a few days left before the cancellation of the program, you will understand that this week it is essential for me to tell you what ‘Save me’ has meant in my life” wrote a moved Terelu Campos, before leaving more than one reader surprised with his statements.

In a personal reflection on the program to which she has dedicated herself professionally in recent years, the daughter of María Teresa Campos points out: “‘Save me’ can be an angel and become a demon in thirty seconds.” In addition to delving into her beginnings as a collaborator, Campos has highlighted the friendships and love that the program has given her.

“Here I met two of the most important men in my life: my friend and director, Raúl Prieto, and Kike Calleja,” Terelu assures in a tender letter in memory of the program. The collaborators found out the tragic news of the closure of the space a couple of weeks ago, something that has been a hard blow for the cast that will have to say goodbye to ‘Save me’ on June 23.

The presenter, who is not going through her best moment, has had to face the cancellation of ‘Save me’ at the same time that she faces the delicate state of her mother’s health. In a matter of several months, María Teresa Campos has suffered different ailments that have worsened her health, causing her daughters to start making decisions for her.

Despite the fact that it is not a topic that Terelu Campos likes to discuss, the presenter has used the blog in Lecturas to talk about her mother. Titled ”Although she is no longer what she was, my mother is my life and my reference,” the letter shows Terelu’s affection for her mother, who “was not easy, but she was permissive with she”.