A few days ago Sergio Peris-Mencheta announced one of the most important news of his life: on May 28 he will undergo his long-awaited bone marrow transplant. The actor, who announced a few months ago that he suffers from leukemia, has been undergoing harsh treatments for months to combat the disease and, finally, will undergo a bone marrow transplant to try to cure his illness.

A transplant for which he has had to undergo multiple tests and prior procedures, with chemotherapy and radiation treatments, which the actor wanted to share through his Instagram account to give visibility and raise awareness about his disease. 

Radiotherapy sessions only occur occasionally, but the actor has received them. Despite the “fear” that he confessed to feeling a few days ago, he is not looking back, and this is expressed in a new video published on his account on the social network. “Look at her face to face, she is the third,” he says on the social network.

A message that the theater director accompanies with a short video in which you can see the door of the room where Peris-Mencheta receives treatment at the hospital he attends. The actor moved months ago to Los Angeles (USA), along with his wife, Marta Solaz, and his children, to treat his illness.

A new step forward in his treatment, which will soon reach the most anticipated destination: the transplant and his “birthday”, which will be on May 28. “Come on, Titan… like the mus, running and without signs,” encourages his colleague and friend Fele Martínez, support that is joined by other colleagues such as Pepón Nieto, Edu Soto, María Lama or Emma Suárez, among thousands of other users.

“They say that those who are transplanted, in addition to celebrating their birthday, go on to celebrate their ‘birthday’. Mine seems to be on May 28,” the actor announced on the 8th, through his Instagram account. Some news, However, with a bittersweet touch, as it coincidentally coincides with the tenth anniversary of his father’s death.

The actor already has a date for the long-awaited bone marrow transplant he needs, so he can be cured of the leukemia that was diagnosed months ago. “I am like only those who have experienced a situation similar to mine know,” he confessed last January.

The bone marrow transplant is performed once the patient completes the conditioning process with different chemo and radiotherapy treatments, which serve to kill some cancer cells and inhibit the patient’s immune system. 

On the day of the transplant, the stem cells are infused into your body through the central line, with the patient awake for the procedure. Over time, the donor’s cells replace the patient’s bone marrow cells, with the donor’s immune factors attempting to destroy the cancer cells. After the transplant, the patient remains under close medical supervision, pending possible complications, since the immune system takes time to recover.