Omar Sánchez has been away from the front line of the media for a season. The former Survivor contestant became known throughout the country for his romantic relationship with Anabel Pantoja, which ended in a beautiful wedding in the Canary Islands. However, the marriage did not work out and the ‘lovebirds’ decided to embark on different paths.

From that moment on, the ‘black’ (as Anabel affectionately called him) conducted a series of interviews for popular programs and media and the occasional television appearance, but he decided to move away from the spotlight and focus on a more relaxed life. dedicating himself to what he really likes: the sea and water sports.

Despite his efforts to remain anonymous, the athlete has become news after rescuing some bathers who were trapped by the force of the ocean waves. 

Last Thursday, Sánchez was calmly surfing when he heard the cries for help and help from different people, so he did not hesitate for a second and came to the rescue.

As Sánchez himself has related through some stories on his official Instagram account, he was surfing with another man on the beach of Arinaga, Gran Canaria, which is located near his house, when he encountered the screams of the bathers.

According to their testimony, the sea was especially rough yesterday, since they were on a beach that does not usually have large waves or tides: ”I was catching waves with another boy in front of the house and we heard screams from the water and the civil guard outside calling us. ”. 

After explaining that one of the bathers lost power, he confirmed that he rescued him: ”One of them couldn’t take it anymore. The boy and I went to rescue them with the boards and with luck we were able to get them to the shore.”

Once he recounted what happened, Sánchez clarified that the same thing happened to another man hours later. After confirming that everything had ended in a scare, Marina Ruiz’s ex-boyfriend published a series of warnings for all those who are not used to the sea.

”Some advice, you should never brave the sea when it is bad because you never know what can happen. Thank you, ” declared the 33-year-old man in an attempt to educate the more than 325,000 followers that he accumulates on the pink social network.