Kiko Hernández’s wedding with Fran Antón has been one of the last exclusives of ‘Sálvame’ before its inevitable end. The afternoon program revealed in style the marriage between his collaborator and the 41-year-old actor from Melilla. The reactions were immediate, some more positive than others. However, some have left fans of the show baffled. This is the case of the response of María Patiño.

The regular collaborator of the program has published a message related to the news on her Twitter account, and many of the users who have come to respond have been stunned by its content. The text reads the following words: “Pure love does not claim possessions but gives freedom.” A deep reflection that has not managed to fit in as the journalist expected. In fact, her responses show her bewilderment at these statements.

“Leave the cubata”, literally says the first reply to Patiño’s tweet. The rest of the messages do not end up settling with what the collaborator expected. “I would love to understand something from your tweets,” says one user, to which is added the response of another, adding that she has been trying to decipher them for years. Others, on the other hand, decide to directly attack the reporter and celebrate the end of the program.

Beyond these very experimental words, Patiño took advantage of the occasion to expand his opinion on the matter via phone call in ‘Sálvame’. The collaborator has been surprised by the fact that in the place where the ceremony is held, attendees receive a prepaid phone to avoid information leaks. María defends freedom within coherence, in the face of this strange situation. Even so, she confirms that she regretted hiding his own wedding from Jorge Javier Vázquez at the time.

Patiño also cannot conceive of Kiko Hernández’s change of opinion in the face of the situation. The fact of not making her wedding public and limiting access to information about this union seems strange to him. Even so, the collaborator confirms that she sensed the exclusive information about the wedding the day before.

The journalist worked with several of her collaborators to confirm the news. She is convinced that the information is real and that the ceremony would not take place on Sunday, but on the Saturday before. This would fill the fridge with the speculations of the program, with several of its participants understanding that these doubts are propagated so that Kiko can give the bomb in scoop.