Sara Sálamo is not only a renowned actress and director from this country, but she has always been characterized by not cutting corners when it comes to claiming everything she believes in. This is not the first time that she uses her social networks or her speaker that allows her to conduct interviews in the media to give her point of view on controversial issues that run through society.

And it was a few hours ago when he wanted to use his X (Twitter) account to send a clear message about a repeat sexual offender who stalked little girls and women in Ribarroja de Turia, Valencia.

“Why is he still free??? Really, we don’t understand anything,” said Sara Sálamo when reading the news. And a 34-year-old man with numerous criminal records and two restraining orders for sexual crimes has been arrested again for the same thing, as the Levante-EMV newspaper has revealed.

With this, the actress does not believe that this person was still free given the extensive history of crimes he has behind him. A strong opinion that many of her followers support. “Because our lives and those of our daughters are worth nothing to them,” one user responded.

But this desire to claim does not end there. Sálamo has used his Instagram account to report problems regarding work-life balance with children. “I believe that the system and society are not yet prepared for women to have children without consequences in our professional career or in our upbringing,” can be read in an image that she has published about the prologue she wrote in a book of Alba Padró Arocas.

“Added to all this is our belief that we are not productive if we are not generating income, if we cannot demonstrate that we contribute…”, continues the letter from the Tenerife native.

And this desire to comment on everything he wants on social networks directly brings him numerous criticisms that he has to face very often. “This goes very much in stages, there are stages in which it doesn’t affect me at all, there are others in which it affects me a lot, especially when threats are directed at my children, which already cross the lines, and I suppose that goes very hand in hand with the sensitivity that I have at that moment…,” he said in an interview for La Vanguardia.

In these same statements, he wanted to make it clear that he is “clearly” left-wing. Something that many do not understand if she is “rich.” “Just because I have something good doesn’t mean that I don’t worry about others not having it,” she said.