
Roger Daltrey, the iconic singer of The Who, has announced that he will be retiring his famous scream from the song ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again.’ In a recent interview via Zoom, Daltrey expressed his excitement about his upcoming tour, where he plans to perform a mostly acoustic set of Who classics, rarities, and solo hits.

While Daltrey is known for his powerful vocals, he has decided to give his vocal cords a break by having the audience participate in the iconic scream from ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again.’ He explained that after 55 years of performing the scream, he feels it’s time to pass the torch to the fans and focus more on his singing.

The tour will feature a talented band, including musicians from The Who, along with other instrumentalists to create a unique sound for the performances. Daltrey emphasized the importance of chemistry among the band members to deliver a memorable experience for the audience.

In addition to the tour, Daltrey is also working on various projects, including a biopic about the late Who drummer Keith Moon and a potential second book to delve deeper into his personal experiences. While the future of The Who remains uncertain, Daltrey is content with the band’s legacy and the music they have created over the years.

Overall, Daltrey’s decision to retire the iconic scream from ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again’ marks a new chapter in his legendary career, allowing him to explore different musical avenues and connect with fans in a fresh way. The upcoming tour promises to be a special experience for both Daltrey and his loyal supporters, showcasing his enduring passion for music and performance.