
Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn are teaming up to remake the 1981 horror film ‘Possession’. The original movie, directed by Andrzej Żuławski, is a psychological supernatural horror film that has gained a cult following over the years. The story follows a spy who returns home to his wife and son in West Berlin, only to find himself caught in a destructive cycle that includes infidelity, neglect, murder, and supernatural elements like tentacled alien creatures and doppelgangers.

The remake has sparked a bidding war among major studios like A24, Netflix, Paramount, Sony, and Warner Bros. Finn, known for his horror hit ‘Smile’, will be writing, directing, and producing the remake through his production company Bad Feeling. Pattinson, who has been off-screen since ‘The Batman’, will also be producing the film through his company Icki Eneo Arlo. Additional producers include Roy Lee from Vertigo Entertainment.

The reception to the project has been positive, with executives praising the unique and outlandish story of ‘Possession’ and its potential for commercial success. Finn, who is known for his horror expertise, is looking to expand his horizons with this remake, aiming for a more expansive and elevated film while still maintaining an intimate touch.

Both Finn and Pattinson are represented by top talent agencies in the industry, showcasing the excitement surrounding this collaboration. Fans can expect a fresh take on the cult classic with modern twists and a new vision from the talented duo. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project as it develops.