Last week, King Charles III granted his son Harry permission to stay at an official residence of the royal family during his visit to the United Kingdom. However, the Duke of Sussex opted to stay in a hotel, The Sunday Times reported on Sunday.

The newspaper notes that the monarch accepted his youngest son’s request to use one of the numerous homes belonging to the royal family.

Harry’s recent visit to London to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games, the sports competition for war veterans injured in conflicts, has generated a series of speculations and conflicting versions.

During these three days, the duke did not meet his father, who is receiving treatment for cancer that has not been made public.

Last Tuesday, a spokesman for Harry suggested that the meeting did not take place due to the monarch’s “busy schedule.” However, according to friends close to the king, if Harry had agreed to stay in one of the numerous royal residences, as his father had authorized, he would have facilitated the logistics of coordinating a meeting with Charles III.

According to The Sunday Times, those close to Harry claim that the prince sent a request to meet the king well in advance.

On the other hand, contradicting this version, friends of the monarch maintain, according to the newspaper, that Harry did not ask to see his father nor did he invite him to the service that was held last Tuesday at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Invictus Games.