
Revealing the Inspiration Behind Zack Ryder’s Internet Show

Matt Cardona, also known as the “Deathmatch King,” has been making waves in the independent wrestling scene since his departure from WWE in 2020. While he had success in WWE, including multiple championship wins and a WrestleMania main event appearance as part of The Edgeheads, Cardona truly connected with fans when he launched his own YouTube series, “Z! True Long Island Story,” in February 2011.

Speaking on the “Wrestling with Freddie” show, Cardona opened up about the motivation behind his internet show. He explained that his goal was to establish a deeper connection with the audience and stand out from the rest of the roster. Despite his success in WWE, Cardona felt that he wasn’t reaching his full potential as a superstar.

The former Intercontinental Champion shared that he started the web series with the hopes of generating buzz, gaining attention, and potentially securing a push or even his release from the company. For Cardona, the show was a way to pursue his dreams and make the most out of his career opportunities.

However, Cardona revealed that the fun of creating the web series diminished when WWE began to interfere and impose requirements on the show. What was once a passion project turned into a corporate assignment, taking away the enjoyment and creative freedom that Cardona initially had.

In his own words, Cardona emphasized the importance of chasing goals and dreams, urging others to seize opportunities and live life to the fullest. Despite his setbacks, Cardona remains determined to push boundaries and pursue new challenges in his wrestling career.

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