2023 couldn’t be better for Laura Escanes. Her luck not only smiles at her in her love, with her relationship with the singer Álvaro de Luna; but she can also boast of having a more than promising future at work.

A job that was recognized on Thursday night at the Ídolo Awards, where the influencer was awarded the Digital Creator of the Year award, which recognizes her professional growth in the last 12 months. A triumph that, how could it be otherwise, he wanted to dedicate to her daughter Roma de ella, with whom he also took the opportunity to apologize for not being with her as much as he would like.

The Catalan was competing for the award with heavyweights from social networks such as Ibai Llanos, Nil Ojeda and Henar Álvarez, but everyone agreed that she was the one who most deserved this award for all her work in recent months.

Once on stage, the young woman could not help but be moved by her speech, once she picked up the precious statuette from the presenters Inés Hernand and Ana Milán.

Escanes first assumed that “the truth is that it has been a difficult year”, referring to everything he had had to overcome in the last 12 months. Not only with the number of projects that he has undertaken -his podcasts, advertising campaigns, his books, interventions in video game spaces, fashion, forays into the world of hairdressing and a long etcetera-, but also on a personal level, being for this reason press focus.

For this reason, she wanted to thank all those who have given her a hand along the way to be able to overcome it, taking her to where she is.

“I am very happy because I have felt the support of the brands, of clients who support my work and who make it possible for me to be here today,” he began, also thanking his entire team and, of course, his followers.

The most emotional moment of his speech, however, was taken by his three-year-old daughter Roma, the fruit of his marriage to Risto Mejide. A girl for whom Laura Escanes goes out of her way and with whom he wanted to apologize for not being able to spend as much time with her as he would like because he had to work.

“Those of us who are fathers and mothers know of those moments that we cannot be with them. I apologize for that.”

Laura was also one of the most anticipated guests at the event, especially after the confirmation of Risto’s new relationship with a young Valencian pharmacist and Laura’s reaction on her social networks, which had caused a real revolution.

Despite everything, the Catalan can’t help but wish her daughter’s father the best: “If he’s happy, I’m happy, just as he’s happy about my happiness, in the end if we’re happy, Rome will be happy.”