Bad news for fans of the series La Promesa, broadcast on La 1 de Televisión Española. The actor Antonio Velázquez, who plays Mauro Moreno in the fiction, has confirmed in a recent interview with El Mundo his departure from the production. The man from Granada has explained that he will be absent from the soap opera to go behind the cameras this time with a personal project, something that could not make him more excited, even though he has to put aside this project that has made him so happy. made.

Velázquez assures that this new project will help him “understand a little better” cinema and the audiovisual industry. The actor confessed to the aforementioned medium that while he starred in series such as Las Chicas del Cable, the same series La Promesa and his 30 Coins, he has also dedicated time to writing his own stories. Now, when the opportunity arises, he has decided to carry out these ideas together with the production company Cuarzo Producciones.

The departure of Mauro, the character played by Velázquez, is not definitive, as the latest information suggests. Both the producer of La Promesa, Ramón Campos, and its director, Josep Cister, have understood the actor’s situation and the opportunity it represents for him. For this reason, they have promised him that “the doors are open” in case he one day wants to return to the set of the series.

At the moment, Antonio Velázquez’s farewell to the series still has no date. However, followers of the series are already speculating all kinds of theories to find out how the story of his departure will develop. For the moment, it seems that we will have to wait to find out more details.

The future of the novel is unknown, but fans of the production have dared to confirm a possible ending for the main butler of the palace, who appears to be eloping with Leonor, the character played by Alicia Bercán. It’s all speculation, so they will have to wait for the resolution of the production.