This edition of Survivors continues to give a lot of talk on social networks and in numerous media outlets. Last Tuesday, May 21, viewers of the Telecinco program witnessed an unusual event in the history of the contest. Ángel Cristo, one of the most controversial contestants of the edition, decided to cross the organization’s security limit and get lost for more than three hours inside the jungle. 

A situation that endangered his life and that of the program team and for which they decided to penalize him with direct expulsion. In this way, Bárbara Rey’s son had to say goodbye to the adventure in Honduras despite being one of the big favorites to win. 

In the midst of all this controversy, the hidden incident between Arantxa del Sol and Ángel Cristo has once again gained prominence in current television news. And there are many who claim that the program did everything possible to cover up the presenter’s alleged physical aggression. A theory that has been gaining weight in Ángel Cristo’s own circle, as we saw last Tuesday in No Man’s Land with the defender of Sofía Cristo’s brother. 

The situation in Survivientes has generated a lot of debate in numerous television programs, but especially in Ni que fuerámos shhh, the new Sálvame from Canal Quickie that from June 3 can be seen free-to-air on Ten TV. One of the toughest with the format is Kiko Matamoros. The collaborator attacked Carlos Sobera last Wednesday, whom he accused of having lied. 

”They put him in a situation that was impossible to govern. That is to say, Sobera lied like a scoundrel on set and they forced him to lie. And poor Sobera has to eat a toad that goes against his image because, in the end, what people don’t understand is that you are a man who is serving the dish that they are cooking for you somewhere else and you look terrible and today there was a lot of criticism,” he said. 

This Friday, May 24, the program’s collaborators once again addressed the controversy with Ángel Cristo and revealed new information related to Carmen Borrego. ”Carmen Borrego has spent more time in the hotel in Honduras than on the island and they even gave her tobacco,” stated María Patiño. 

After confirming this information, Kiko Matamoros assured that he also received food from the organization. However, the collaborator went much further and pointed out the discomfort that existed among the contestants due to the way things were being done. ”There are many contestants who have been there who are very angry, disappointed, because they believe that they have been fooled, they have been deceived with promises that they have not kept,” he stated.