December 2023 is the starting point for a new stage in the lives of the bullfighter Juan Ortega and his former fiancée, Carmen Otte. On Saturday, December 2, the right-hander decided to cancel his wedding at the last minute and leave his partner at the altar in the church of Santiago de Jerez de la Frontera in front of 500 guests who continue to wonder what happened for such a change of heart. seem.

The bullfighter took a car and took refuge in Seville, where he has taken refuge since the day of the wedding. Nobody has seen him again, despite having become the absolute protagonist of the media spotlight. He has also not seen her ex-partner, whom he has not spoken to despite her attempts. Although neither of them has spoken, the rumors continue. However, despite the speculation, the right-hander’s entourage assures that reconciliation is completely ruled out.

“The decision is firm,” sources close to Ortega point out to Vanitatis, ensuring that the right-hander is consistent with his feelings and simply intends to live his life. For those close to him, if the bullfighter has made that decision, he will not change it. “He does it because he thinks it is the best for both of them,” they explain, ensuring that Ortega is “a pure and true man, very upright.” For them, the decision is made “from conviction”, without interest.

Despite the speculation, the bullfighter’s entourage explains that he took the necessary measures to notify the bride and her family as soon as possible. “She was crying uncontrollably,” they explain to the aforementioned portal. According to those around him, for weeks he had his doubts about whether to go ahead with the ceremony, and he let his fiancée know this. “Juan didn’t want to get married, and Carmen knew it.”

The next day, even though Carmen Otte tried to contact her ex-fiancé, sure that he would not be able to leave her that way, he did not speak to her again as he did not feel ready. However, her environment explains that after a while, perhaps calmly, they can have that necessary conversation.

The rumors that suggested that the relationship between them continued despite the cancellation of the marriage are thus denied; like there is a possible reconciliation. “He is a firm man when he makes a decision,” they insist.