Ana Obregón continues to attract media attention, after the announcement that she had been the grandmother of a girl born on March 20 at the Memorial Regional Hospital in Miami (USA) by surrogacy, using her son’s sperm late Alejandro Lequio Garcia.

During these weeks, the actress has starred on the covers of the most important magazines in the country. And some have criticized the excessive exposure of Ana Sandra, her granddaughter. The latest criticism has come from Jorge Javier Vázquez, who questioned the credibility of the businesswoman in his column in Lecturas, which was titled I have never believed Ana Obregón.

“Ana Obregón has never been one of my favorite characters,” began the Telecinco presenter, who also recognized her “unquestionable work capacity and indisputable professionalism.”

However, he confessed that his “emotional ups and downs” have always brought him “quite fresh”: “Perhaps because he always detected little depth in them. She easily found boyfriends, it seemed that she fell in love more or less, but when the relationship fell apart she did not have time to appear on a cover with a smile telling in great detail how bad she was having. And the thing is that she could never empathize with that pain so well packaged as a luxurious Christmas present.

Jorge Javier acknowledges that his problem with Obregón is that he has never believed it: “He has confused life with a television set and in the end, in his case, it is difficult to guess when the lights go out and the truth begins. Perhaps because the truth does not exist.

The presenter assures that the story is repeated with his granddaughter: “The same thing happens now that she has become a mother at one time and a grandmother at another and is using non-existent justifications to carry out the most understandable of human acts: mitigating a unbearable pain.”

Vázquez explains that he can understand the businesswoman’s decision. “We can come to understand that the person who has gone through such a trance makes decisions that are difficult for those around them to understand. It would have been much easier for Ana to tell us that she has been a mother because it was the only way she found to stay alive ”, he writes in Lecturas.

However, he argues that Obregón has preferred to monopolize front pages in the media, rather than carry out the process discreetly. “As has happened throughout his entire career, her pain has passed into the background: the important thing now is to look cute in magazines and that people don’t forget that she exists,” he concludes.