The influencer and fashion designer Jessica Goicoechea once again captivated the public with her participation in David Broncano’s ‘La Resistencia’ program, two years after her last visit.

On this occasion, Goicoechea exclusively presented the exciting collaboration between her bikini brand, ‘Goi’, and the iconic ‘PlayBoy’.

Among the gifts that surprised the presenter, Broncano, a red bikini with black edges and the emblematic bunny symbol in the center stood out. A set that Goicoechea herself made the presenter try.

In addition to revealing the new collaboration, Jessica Goicoechea shared reflections on her career and professional identity.

The designer expressed her displeasure at being labeled solely as an influencer, arguing that she dedicates much of her time and effort to her company, thus challenging the notion of being pigeonholed into a single category.

Goicoechea’s visit was marked by several fun moments. Between laughter and confessions, the designer made it clear that her career goes beyond labels and that she is committed to the growth of her brand and her career in the fashion industry.

Her collaboration with ‘PlayBoy’ and her reflections on her professional identity consolidate her position as an influential figure in the world of fashion and entertainment, as she showed on David Broncano’s program.