Jenni Hermoso has found a respite in the midst of the media whirlwind that means being one of the protagonists of Luis Rubiales’ non-consensual kiss. The Spanish player, who is currently part of the Tigres women’s team, celebrated her 34th birthday on May 9.

The soccer player was surprised by all her teammates with a joke: they gave her a big cake to commemorate the turn of the year. Even she had to put on swimming goggles and cross herself a few times before getting pie in the face.

In addition to this nice group celebration, Hermoso took advantage of the occasion to, days later, reflect on the achievements and challenges of the last year. Through a post on Instagram, he has shared his reflections on his personal and professional evolution: “Situations in which I never imagined being and others in which I prepared myself to live them as I wanted.”

This message expresses her fortitude in the face of such unexpected circumstances as being involved in a case of sexual abuse by her boss, as well as her gratitude to those who have supported her during this time: “Thank you to the people who were by my side at every moment and thanks to others for making me stronger.”

On the other hand, Hermoso also wanted to highlight herself in her particular annual review, where winning the World Cup with Spain has a very special place: “I thank myself and feel proud for everything to this day. Updated version 3.4”.

Judge Francisco de Jorge, of the central investigative court number 1 of the National Court, has decreed the opening of an oral trial against Rubiales, who is accused of sexual assault and coercion towards Hermoso.

In relation to the same events, the court has also decided to put Albert Luque, former sports director of the men’s team, on trial; Jorge Vilda, former coach of the women’s team; and Rubén Rivera, former Marketing Manager of the Federation, all accused of coercion.

To ensure possible civil responsibilities, Rubiales has been required to provide bail of 65,000 euros for the crime of sexual assault and an identical amount for coercion, shared with the other defendants.